Pavel Sedláček - Zakázková výroba nožů / Custom knives

Výroba jednoduchého zavíracího nože z pilového listu / Friction folder with detent ball – prototype


Postup výroby v obrázcích. Na čepel je použit pilový kotouč z nástrojové oceli. Kulička by měla fixovat čepel jak v otevřené, tak v zavřené poloze. Pružina je z titanu Ti 6246.

Trying to make friction folder to be fixed by only one ball in open and even closed position of the blade. Spring is made out of Ti 6246. Blade made out of circular saw blade.

After the first putting together I could see that the ball will not be part of this prototype 🙂 . I didn’t drill three holes on the blade exactly in a line which causes that the ball could only lock blade in opened or closed position, not in both. Small mistake, big impact. So, the ball will be included in the next version.

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